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We focus on security
so you can focus on growth.

Arete’s incident response and managed security services combine our technical expertise and advanced technologies with a data-driven approach to help your business quickly and fully recover from a cyber event and reduce the risk of further attacks.

Challenges & Solutions

  • Challenge

    No business can afford to
    be offline.

    Even a small disruption can impact production and revenue as well as threaten customer trust
    and brand reputation. 


    We move fast.

    Our full-service incident response team has the technical experience and business acumen to get you on the fastest path to recovery — containing infections and restoring business operations faster than the industry average.

  • Challenge

    Keeping up with cybersecurity risks is a challenge — even for the largest companies.

    It’s not unusual for companies to have limited resources and expertise when it comes to cybersecurity. It’s a fast-moving, dynamic environment.


    Protecting companies from cybercrime is what we do.

    Our Managed and Advisory Services teams enhance a company's cyber defenses by reducing the attack surface, updating software and systems to eliminate known vulnerabilities, and following proven processes to minimize complexity, maximize threat detection, and automate remediation.

  • Challenge

    Your systems are built to work for you — not always
    to protect you.

    If your current systems and processes aren’t integrated and built to withstand threats, they leave your company vulnerable to attack.


    We help you get ahead of risk.

    Our Cyber Strategy and Defense team takes a multi-prong approach to reduce overall cyber risk — assessing your current security posture to uncover any gaps and vulnerabilities while also providing cost-effective recommendations for prevention, risk management, and recovery.

Why Arete

Arete has the experience, processes, and technologies to guide you along the fastest path to recovery following an incident and to help you make the necessary changes to develop and maintain healthy security practices. An incident is a moment in time — albeit a critical one — but good security requires a long-term commitment.

Case Study

How can you improve your
company's security?

Learn how an engineering consulting firm improved theirs with a formalized, top-down risk management program.

Explore Case Study