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    LockBit Claims to Have U.S. Federal Reserve Data 

    On June 25, LockBit claimed to have stolen 33 terabytes of data from the U.S. Federal Reserve. They posted 21 links with data from Evolve Bank & Trust, which was recently penalized for compliance issues.

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    Q1 2024 Crimeware Report

    Q1 2024 Crimeware Report uses data from Arete’s ransomware and extortion responses. It covers ransomware variant trends, ransom demands, impacts on infrastructure, and Q2 forecasts.

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    Threat Actor Spotlight: BlackSuit Ransomware

    First observed by Arete in May 2023, BlackSuit ransomware is an emerging cyber threat targeting organizations across several sectors. This spotlight explores the ransomware behavior observed, incident response data, and technical analysis.

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    Scattered Spider Adapts to Evolving Threat Landscaped

    Delve into the dynamic threat landscape of cybersecurity with a comprehensive analysis of RansomHub and Scattered Spider's evolving tactics in ransomware and data theft. Learn how these groups adapt and pivot in response to disruptions.

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    Windows Native Ransomware – Encrypting with Bitlocker

    Bitlocker, a Windows app for full-volume encryption, is exploited by threat actors to encrypt files and demand ransom. Despite more advanced options, new actors like "Shrinklocker" still prefer Bitlocker for encryption.

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    Ransomware Realities: Additional Risks During the Crisis

    After a ransomware attack, restoring data and minimizing business disruption is crucial. It's also vital to address post-incident factors to ensure full recovery and prevent further security issues. Discover key strategies to mitigate threats.

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    The Role of Space Systems in the U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy

    The rising frequency and sophistication of cyber threats from state and non-state actors presents significant risk to U.S. national security and commerce.

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    Sodinokibi Labels Keys with “Black Lives Matter”

    OVERVIEW Since January 2020, the Arete IR practice has responded to forty-one (41) Sodinokibi engagements.  The industry has seen two big changes with Sodinokibi/REvil from their shift to exfiltrating data as of January 2020, and more, recently with…

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    Avaddon Ransomware Hits AXA

    Avaddon ransomware allegedly attacked European insurance provider AXA shortly after the company announced that it will stop paying ransoms for its clients. Our analysis provides an in-depth look at Avaddon’s tactics and recommended mitigations.

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    Colonial Pipeline Breached by Darkside Ransomware Group

    On Saturday May 8, US Colonial Pipeline announced that they were victim of a ransomware attack that affected their network on Friday May 7. US Colonial Pipeline is said to be the largest fuel pipeline in the United States and the main source of…

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    Codecov Bash Uploader Supply Chain Attack

    By Arete Cyber Threat Intelligence Team EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  On April 15, Codecov announced a compromise to its Bash Uploader (a software application used in some of its products), whereby a threat actor was able to send sensitive information from…

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    Black Kingdom Returns to Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Unpatched Microsoft Exchange Servers

    Black Kingdom ransomware recently resurfaced to target a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange servers.

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