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    Unmasking Fog: Ransomware Threats in K-12 Education

    In today's episode, we explore a new threat actor targeting K-12 schools. Our hosts discuss the factors behind its success, why schools are at risk, and share actionable steps to boost cyber resilience and defend against these attacks.

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  • article

    No Deal Is Worth Identity Theft: Ways to Prepare for Secure Holiday Shopping

    By Kevin Baker The holidays are upon us and with them often comes a mad rush to “Act now!” to score the best online deals “before it’s too late!” Unfortunately, competitive, hurried Black Friday-type shopping can translate to distracted shopping,…

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    Teach a Man Not to Be Phished

    BY KEVIN BAKER  Email phishing scams are rampant. And to help you avoid falling victim to one, I’m offering five easy to-dos. 1. STAY ALERT. When it comes to defeating cybercrime, awareness is step number one. While deceptive emails aren’t the…

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    Fundamentals of Ransomware: What to Do Before and After Ransomware Strikes

    By Raj Sivaraju   Amid the pandemic and as more people began working from home via unsecure networks, India saw a 31 percent rise in ransomware attacks.[i] What’s more, according to the Sophos “State of Ransomware 2020” study, of 300…

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    Black Kingdom Returns to Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Unpatched Microsoft Exchange Servers

    Black Kingdom ransomware recently resurfaced to target a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange servers.

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    Risky Business: Securing a Remote Workforce Comes with Its Challenges – but Also Solutions

    In the past year, businesses around the world have had to fundamentally transform how they work and communicate. And not that work from home is new, but it’s certainly never been done at the current scale. To maintain productivity, organizations have…

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    Top Tips to Improve Cybersecurity Today

    By Kevin Baker When I work with clients, I mention a good many things they can do to improve their security. Sometimes I’ll advise on an area I think they need to understand about their company. Sometimes I’ll suggest implementing specific…

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